Category Archives: Classes & Workshops

I feel like I have been awarded an EMMY…a GRAMMY…Nope! Something even better!

Holy Crap! I just found out that I have been awarded the On-Ramp Fellowship Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission! They have accepted my grant proposal!

I feel like I have been awarded an EMMY…or a GRAMMY…nope, even better…

I have been awarded a GRANT for Creative Entrepreneur’s.

I have an uncontrollable urge to give an acceptance speech. I am so proud, so grateful, so happy, so humbled, and so honored to have the opportunity to use this grant towards the growth of my freelance graphic design business, by Chance graphics, LLC.

My clients (existing and future), their needs, and my desire to help them succeed is the driving force behind how this grant will be used.

This fellowship WILL BE used to help me better serve all of you!


This project is made possible by the Indiana Arts Commission, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency

What An Accomplishment!

On-Ramp Fellowship Grant Proposal…Complete!

What a RUSH of: relief, excitement, happiness, and a total sense of pride in myself, all at the same time when I hit that submit button!

Many, many hours have went into this grant proposal for the On-Ramp fellowship. I cannot even begin to tell you the number of pieces of paper and ink pens that have lost their lives during the last several weeks. (True Story)

My clients (existing and future), their needs, and my desire to help them succeed is the driving force behind this application. WHEN received <insert positive thinking>, this fellowship will be used to help me better serve all of you!

On-Ramp! What an Experience!

So Much FUN…that sums up my weekend.

Just getting home from three days of intense training at the Indiana Arts Commission for Creative Entrepreneurs On Ramp Conference in Madison, IN. What an honor to have been able to share such an awesome experience with 35 other extremely talented artists representing so many different genres.

I can not even begin the express the gratitude I have for being chose to participate in this program. I’ve learned so much and will now apply that knowledge towards writing my grant proposal for the On-Ramp Fellowship

What a great group of talented creative entrepreneurs. Indiana is lucky to have us!
3 days of intense training in Madison, IN. I loved every second!
Day 3 – What an awesome experience. Now to use that knowledge to write my grant proposal!

It’s Official! I’m an On-Ramp Participant.

Indiana Arts Commission On-Ramp Participants

Over 100 Hoosiers applied to participate in the accelerator program. The 36 participants (locations mapped below) that were invited are preparing to expand their creative work with an entrepreneurial approach.

“Fifty-seven percent of the creative workforce in Indiana is self-employed, far exceeding the national average of 20 percent. Helping these Hoosiers be successful in their careers not only benefits them, but also strengthens the communities in which they live and work.

We’re intending that this program will help retain some of the best and brightest creative workers in Indiana.”

Lewis Ricci, Executive Director, Indiana Arts Commission

I’ve been Chosen!!!!

I just found out that I have been chose to be a part of the Indiana Arts Commission Inaugural On-Ramp Program for Indiana Creative Entrepreneurs!

There were over 100 applicants but only 36 were chosen.

I can not wait to soak up every second of this wonderful opportunity! What a great opportunity! I am Grateful!